
taking it to the next level

I read somewhere that you should never apologize on your blog for long gaps between postings. So, hey everyone! You all can suck my big pink overbooked dick! Woo-hoo!

The good news is, I am fully back in the swing of things. I was worried about re-entry after a month away, but everything was fine. Funnily enough, the first call on my first shift back was my extreme top. When the dispatcher told me it was going to be him, my heart sunk, because he always wants me to whimper and cry and beg, and come up with extreme torture to beg him for. Even though I am not actually getting my titties nailed to the wall—and that’s not the most extreme that he gets—and I haven’t come during one of his calls since that first time I got caught up in it and lost it, I still emerge on the other end of those 90-minute calls fucking wrung out and panting and sweaty, with a sore throat and aching head. At the end of it, all I could say was, well, everything else after this will be a snap.

My regular callers are certainly happy. My Saturday night lactation date was my second caller back, and when I said, “Wow, you got lucky! Tonight was my first night back on”, he said, “I know, I marked it on my calender!”

So, yeah…

I don’t quite know what to do with that kind of dedication, just like I don’t know what to do with the almost-emotional welcome that my Tuesday-night trucker gave me. He was getting downright tender, letting me know how much he missed me (I believe it) and how he didn’t even call the service that whole month (I don’t believe it, but still, it’s sweet of him to think to say it).

My trucker and I have been speaking for a half-hour once a week since… June 2009? Almost 10 months. Really? I mean… that’s a committed phone bone right there. We’re starting to reach the point—I can feel it in the way he half-says some things—where we’re both wondering where this relationship is going. He wishes he could meet me, of course, which is different from my idea of the next level.

That would be the 45-minute level. Don’t want to rush him into anything.

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