
Reddit appearance: IAmA sidewalk pornographer! (27 Sept 2014, 2pm Central)

reddit-logo1All right, my Redditor friends, on Saturday, September 27, I’m doing an IAmA session at 2pm Central (3pm Eastern). The subject will be “IAMA sidewalk pornographer who was recently photographed writing erotica on the sidewalk. I was top of r/wtf and featured on @midnight. My name is Cameryn Moore. AMA!”
They are not adding this to their official calendar, so please, for the love of everything you hold dear, including, hopefully, me, PLEASE come join me over there, get some good vibes and conversation happening! AND spread the word among your Redditing friends, cross-post to subreddits that you think would be interested, all that good stuff! I am very much a newbie when it comes to Reddit; I am counting on you to help me spread the news.

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