Search-term syntax and finding the Phone Whore
… or, How the FUCK did they find me with THAT?!
I did this once before and it amused me to no end. Now that I’m trying to get back on the blog-horse, after 6 months on the road (more about that in subsequent posts), I thought I’d try it again as a nice re-entry point.
WordPress, you see, can tell you the terms that people use when they stumble across your blog. And I gotta say, although I can’t figure how to use this for marketing purposes, it cracks my shit up. Let’s take a look at the breakdown for the last 7 days, shall we?
38 variations on Cameryn Moore, Phone Whore. After doing 73 shows in 18 cities, with posters all over the fucking place, I should hope the name is sticking in people’s heads at least a little bit.
10 cuckolds. These are some of my more involved specialty calls, so of course I’ve written about these. Excellent search combos include “what it’s like to be a cuckold” (well, embarrassing, right?), “sissy cuck toilet slave at a party” (you know what they say about parties: clean up as you go along!), and my personal favorite of this crop, “swingers Jamal cuckold” (there’s a story right there, in three words).
8 searches for “toilet slave”, including the obvious variant “shit pig”. If I were really into scat as part of my sexual identity, I think I’d probably go with shit pig, rather than toilet slave. It feels so much more empowering, you know?
7 for “office fuck”. Are they looking for tips for making that happen?
And the rest are one-hit wonders like “free streaming mature perversities”, “cream pie housewife”, and “selebratie tits”. That last one I don’t know if they meant “celebrity tits” or “celebrate tits”. Either way, baby, I got ’em and I DO.
Starting this week, I’ll be digging back through 6 months of my show Phone Whore and bringing out the highlights reel. I mean, for those of you who follow me on facebook, you know a lot of it, but it’s different when you’re not limited to 420 characters. And stay tuned for exciting news about my radio show and more public appearances, and PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR’S TOUR. Yep. I’ll be doing it again, and maybe this time you can catch me!
I love “shit pig” I would totally choose that too!