
CALL OF THE DAY: teaching a new girl

Now, I don't want any of your backtalk. When I tell you to bend over, you bend over...

Now, I don’t want any of your backtalk. When I tell you to bend over, you bend over…

He wants a mother-daughter team; obviously, with my voice, I’m the mother. I’ve done these calls a number of times, but this time there’s a twist: the other PSO is brand-spankin’-cherry-poppin’ new. This is her first live call.

I only have time to say, “Oh! Okay,” when the dispatcher tells me this, and then the other girl is on the line and we get the details of the caller together: name, ID number, length of call (seven minutes), and the set-up. The other girl definitely has the barely-legal thing going on. She sounds nervous. Did I sound that way at the beginning? I must have, but with her high-pitched, slightly breathy voice, her nerves are much more audible.

That’s fine; in this scene she’s supposed to be inexperienced, waiting for guidance to satisfy the caller. And as the mother, and the dominant character in this scene, I can give overt instructions without breaking out of character. But as we launch into the call, and I describe myself and then introduce her, tell her to describe herself, I realize that this is going to take a fair bit of extra work.

For one, I don’t think she’s tracking the action, by which I mean keeping a visual picture in her head about what is supposed to be happening in this verbal porno we’re starring in. She sounds legitimately startled when I suggest next moves—eating my pussy, spreading her own, on your knees, sweetheart, show the man what you’ve got down there—even though this is a fairly standard narrative progression, well-documented in porn and Penthouse letters. And I like to try to keep things together, from a kinesiology point of view. None of this bouncing back and forth between physically unconnected positions, unless the customer specifies. But still she is not keeping up with the flow.

After each directive, I wait for a second to see if she’s comfortable enough to step in, to expand on the scene or add some elaboration in the form of sensory reporting (“oh, mom, that dildo is so thick!”) or exclamations or at least some heavy breathing and moaning. But she doesn’t. All she does is parrot back what I tell her to do (“reach back and pull open your ass cheeks, honey” “I’m pulling open my ass cheeks”), she says it in a checklist tone of voice, which is exactly as not hot as it sounds. I am not only carrying the narrative, but I am also supplying the sexy for this call. I have to fill in all the spaces that she, in her … nervousness? panic?… cannot fill.

Whatever it is that we end up doing, it seems to be enough for the caller. He finishes early and hangs up without saying anything. I have his card and a history of his calls with me; I can see this is standard practice for him. But the new girl is confused. “What happened? Where did he go?” He’s done, I say. That’s what he does. Congratulations, I’ll talk to you later. And then I hang up, too.

I won’t talk to her later. I never talk with any of the PSOs at the company, except during the five seconds we have pre- and post-call with these two-girl deals. So I won’t know what happens to her. I don’t know what her trajectory with the company will be. If she stays, she’ll get better. Maybe she’ll be gone in a week. It’s definitely a sink-or-swim training model, and there’s not much room for newbie jitters. I remember this time. The first few weeks were utterly nerve-wracking. I hope she gets what she needs to make it work, or if phone sex is not for her, that she finds her path somewhere else quickly.

I hope my impatience didn’t show through.

I hope I helped her somehow.


If you liked this post, be sure to browse around some more. I’ve been blogging about my work in phone sex for almost four years, since six months after I started in April 2009. And if you live in the UK, you’ll have a chance this year to hang out with me while I’m on call! Okay, not really, but that’s what my award-winning solo play Phone Whore feels like, and I’m bringing it to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Aug. 1-25, and then to five other UK cities through mid-September. Follow those links to read all about the tour and my show, and if you do make it out, come up and say hi!

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