CALL OF THE DAY: Extreme Top, Live-Tweeted
Full disclosure: This was not actually live-tweeted. Extreme Top’s stuff is too extreme for direct-to-Twitter channeling, and besides, live-tweeting an actual call from my perspective would be too difficult for me to stay on top of. HOWEVER, these are actual notes I jotted down from today’s call, after I thought of live-tweeting at a moment of great irritation. I amused myself with the notes during the call. Afterward, though, I still cried tempestuously in the bathroom for five minutes. Fuck Extreme Top, man.
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Live-tweeting a call from Extreme Top. Dispatch gave me 2 mins to prep. #GUH #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoorev
‘Tell me how Mommy makes your tits huge.’ That pump must take so much electricity, running all night… #atleastitswhitenoise #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
A policeman loans us his dog to fuck me in a store window. This is holiday spirit in phone sex. #ondisplay #preteenhohoho #cum #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
It took a few seconds to click. ‘Did you say you don’t want a dildo? Why not?’ Because I hate you & your dildos. #iwish #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
First break, ‘keep playing with yourself, I want to hear you in the other room.’ Okay, daddy. #youwish #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
‘What were you thinking about?’ I was thinking about that policeman. #notreally #tooloftheman #fuckthepolice #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
‘Tell me how you can’t wait for Mommy to punch-fuck your cunt, and then you can come.’ #ohgoody #goodcopbadcop #cum #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
‘Mommy’s gonna have to stitch your cunt tighter now, so daddy can get a good tight fuck.’ #poorplanning #whatahomemakerthough #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
A rare ass-pounding with Daddy, of course it’s enough to make me come! #youwish #alltheholes #cum #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
24 minutes in, ‘breeding’ comes up for the first time. Who’s gonna pop ‘em out for Daddy? #hewantsfive #sobadwithnames #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
My cunt is gross and loose. #doesheknowwherebabiescomefrom #loosecuntFTW #notreally #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Training the 5 daughters to fluff for Mommy the fuckpig #householdchores #wetdryvac #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Do you know how much jizz it takes to fill a cereal bowl? Makes me come just thinking about it. #cum #nocumharderbitch #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
35 minutes in, second break, as usual there’s porn playing on the other end, right in my ear. #thatholeisofflimits #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Showing the girls how Daddy likes it. Tiffany, Thea, Stacy, Michelle, and Portia. #Portiaisabrat #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Showing the girls how Mommy likes it. Suck my stretched-out clit, sweetie, make me come. #cum #areyoukeepingtrack #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Tiffany is getting it on with her son Hunter. WTF with these specific names?! #badparentingishereditary #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
Finally the N-word shows up. If anyone white uses that word around me, even in quotes, prepare to be punched. #GUHGUHGUH #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
54 minutes in, third break. I don’t know if he’s taking a leak or reloading his nose or stirring the stew. #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
They always last for a couple of minutes, I make noise the whole time in case he’s listening. #hesnotcomingtoday #GUH #liveextremetop
Fed-Up Phone Whore   @camerynmoore
‘Sorry, honey, I have to go. Happy Thanksgiving.’ You, too. #notreally #ihateextremetop #liveextremetop
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