So you want to be a phone sex operator: the bibliography (aka I trawled my blog so you don’t have to)

Take notes. There will not be a quiz on this shit, though.
It’s okay, I’m not irritated. I mean, I don’t have tags on the relevant posts, like “Starting Out” or “I’m Looking for a Little Cash” or “I Have Always Wanted to Do Phone Sex”, search terms that are the obvious entry points.
And I don’t have a bibliography page anywhere on my site—yet—because I guess I’ve wanted my blog and the site to be informative without having to dole out practical resources (I could do that, but for starters I haven’t figured out how to monetize that and there are other people out there who have been doing phone sex for a lot longer than me who should be charging for those resource sheets. I dunno. Maybe I’ll start charging.)
And … well, I feel that anyone wanting to be a phone sex operator would probably get a lot of good and relevant information by READING MY GODDAMN BLOG. Yeah, there are a lot of posts, but many of them aren’t phone-sex related, and most of them are fucking short.
Okay, I guess I’m a little irritated.
But still, I went through and pulled this together for you! Just in case you have managed to get through either my Facebook rants or my play Phone Whore and you’re still thinking, “You know, I need some extra money and phone sex seems like a really fun way to do that?”
I wrote that post two and a half years ago, and I feel like maybe I hadn’t yet earned the right to be so cynical. At 6+ years, thought, I have NO qualms about the occasional streak of jadedness. Fuck, the attrition in phone sex, I don’t know the numbers, but it’s got to be sky-high. I figure, at this point I am already well over onto the other side of the bell curve, and I can be as snarky as I wanna be. All the salient points remain, including:
- Still there, still chock full of listings, none of which I can verify the validity of, but that’s where I found my job, lo these 6.5 years ago.
- I don’t frequent that joint anymore, but when I started, I found it an invaluable resource, in terms of practical tips and, more importantly, the DL on various companies. READ FIRST, then ask questions if you can’t find the answer in there somewhere.
Once, and once only, I broke my own rule and had a lengthy chat with a prospective PSO, mostly because I knew her from before and also the questions she wanted to ask me were not Phone Sex 101 items. She said she had read my blog and it showed, in that the things she wanted to know about were more personal, more emotional—like, Phone Sex 201—not logistics or how to Do It. (Pro tip: you do it by doing it. It may be a tautology, but it’s the truth.)
The only other time I sat down and tried to impart any goddamn thing to a newer PSO, she paid me for my time, kinda. She paid for my typing, actually. This woman approached my smut stand when I was in the UK this year, and said she didn’t need a piece of erotica, but she sure could use some advice about how to be more dominating on the phone, because guys were asking for it and it didn’t come naturally to her. Could I type something out for her? Um, yes, for pay. She agreed, and at the link you can read what came out.
4) Two-girl call with a newbie
This post is less instructional, and more a cautionary tale, about that first two-girl call that many PSOs have to do, and how NOT to do it.
5) Also, seriously, if my play Phone Whore comes to your town, SEE IT, and stick around for the post-show Q&A. If it’s not coming to your town yet, do what you can to bring it to your town (drop me an email and let’s talk!). You’ll get a harder-nosed portrayal of actually doing phone sex than you can get anywhere else, and the post-show Q&A is educational like WHOA.
If I ever write up all this phone-sex shit into a book, it’ll be my patrons over on Patreon who make it possible. Join the ranks of steady Cameryn Moore supporters by clicking the logo below!